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Guru Nanak   Today's Video
February 13, 2022

The Guru's Word abides with my soul

Thank you my friend, for coming to visit me when I needed company *puts white sheets on the floor, and prepares tea and cookies for honoured guest* - Raja Your Name:
Past Videos:

March 9, 2021: Mool Mantar

January 20, 2021: Guru Gobind Singh's Birthday

January 19, 2021: Battlefield March

January 6, 2021: Happy New Year

December 25, 2020: I Believe

November 30, 2020: Guru Nanak's Birthday

Comment By: Raja

I miss the times when my father and uncle would discuss their faith, and strengthen their resolve. This Raag is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji whose body and mind could not find a reason for pain. With the Guru's message in your heart, even torture seems meaningless.

Date: 2/13/2022 6:43:53 PM   

Comment By: Raja

When Sachi is older, I'm going to have her find instances of physics, sociology, chemistry, meditation, physiology, quantum mechanics, security, economics, charity, biology, transmigration, faith, and mercy, written in 6 lines of rhythmic poetry, centuries ago by one of our beloved Gurus, and how each one of those things ties to the Guru's Word.

Date: 2/13/2022 8:16:33 PM   

If you want any of the above comments removed, please let me know.

Virindar Singh Lamba This site is dedicated to my father, Virindar Singh Lamba.  Shortly after he passed away, he sat very comfortably and happy with many saintly souls around him.  He said to me, "So..... why are you crying?"  I said, "I'm not crying".  In his joking voice, he said, "Ok... ok, you're not crying."  I know once I stop crying, he'll send me his next lesson.